Friday, May 25, 2007
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Let's try it
Why don't we try this routine? Don't you think it's dope? Damn it, my blog it' s now about dancing... where is my mind??? Well, maybe it will pass soon.
I need to go to L.A. I need to go to that dance school. Kamila, I really meant it about going there... Save money! Cos I will.
In the other hand, I am going really crazy because I love staying here but I do miss as well other things. But I don't want to think what it's going to be after this Erasmus ends. I will miss so much some people here. Let's just try to dance & smile!
Come what may...
@ Kami, try it hard, Valencia is waiting for you. U're my gurl.@
I want to be in that side going mad playing music!!! This is my tribute to DJ Oscar Aguilera
* Thanks for the late night conversations. Smile always *
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Yeah... It's been a while...
I know I know... it has been a loooooooooong time since my last update, but please don't blame me. Sometimes i was too lazy, sometimes too busy, or just I wasn't in the mood to tell anything about what I was doing, thinking or going through... It's all about finding the right moment to do it. But I must say I did update my fotolog ( not each day but regularly... that's my excuse, I guess.
Here is when I was at a "NK HipHop" Dance Workshop in Amsterdam (April 28th-29th). Someone taped it and I found it on Youtube. Look behind --> red t-shirt & black trousers.
"Ciara - Like A Boy" --> I learned a routine at the dance workshop, I loved it.
Stay Tune!
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Nothing to say...
I was trying to update my blog, but i don't have much to say today. I think we are all so busy because of the assignments. Damn, im a bit out of my mind, sometimes I don't know how to focus them due to the lack of information... U know what i mean, right guys? PublicRelations... But anyway, let's go fo it! Or as Ana always says "C'mon guys, we can do it!"This is one of a few pictures i have from my Erasmus pals, it was taken from our last trip to Brussels (some of them didn't come that's why they are not on it). I stole it from Estelle's album... :-P
I'm leaving tomorrow night to Valencia! My family requires me, I'll be there till tuesday. I will keep you on track from my hometown. Have fun and SMILE!
I love "BoSS TeaM" hiphop lessons with Bruce Blanchard!
Last routine: Janet - So Excited
Sunday, March 11, 2007
This weekend was a very relaxing one, just spent the saturday at Kouter's place, and the sunday at my room trying to chilling a bit even when the weather outside was so nice.
This is what i've been doin. It's the Letter Task for Graphic Design, we have to create a face with different kind and size of letters, so that's my result. Hope u can see it. I use colours to fill it up to make it more obvious... Is it? Cause some people i asked just saw letters and asked me "What is the sentence u wrote?" ¬¬
And... Next friday i'm going to Valencia. Duties is calling me and I'm very excited to see my family, my friends & my FRIEND again although I'm staying just for a few days.
MARY J: Happy Birthday, gurl. I remember you! It's been a while since the last time we met. I must tell you that I'm just staying in Valencia till 20th march. So... we won't meet :-( Try to come over, Ghent is waiting for you. "Stay Real", remember?
ADRIÁN: Te veo en nada. Ya sabes lo que pienso de ti. ***
Thursday, March 08, 2007
U must see the different sketches from "Little Britain", it's hilarious. Here are 2 of them'Lou and Andi' sketches.
Tribute 2 "Music YourSelf"
U will miss wonderfull experiences
These last days have been really joyful. We worked, we laughed, we ate chips & waffles, we drank coffees & teas... but the best thing was that gathering together for the assignement we have could got to know better each other. Juli, Kamila, Niko, Cornelia, Aysegül and me were so respectful one to another and that's because there was a very good atmosphere around. I'm proud of the project we came up to ("BELectronic" Festival in Dour) and the process of it. Thank you guys for being so kind. I'm gonna miss these afternoons-nights.
Kamila! I already miss your food and drinks!

BELectronic Festival - Wanna come?
Saturday, March 03, 2007
5 months
Look @ this: I wish i could have been in that tube. Teardrops were fallin while i was hearin it.
I Love his moves